What I did when I heard #facebookdown

This morning was fun.

I woke up and headed to the computer while the kids were watching their morning show.

I logged onto Facebook (my usual morning routine) and was surprised to see it was down. What?

I then logged onto Twitter to see what was going on. Confirmed. Facebook is down.

Here’s what I did when Facebook was down.

1. I emailed my mom a picture of the kids.

2. I made breakfast. (including bacon!)

3. I hung out on Twitter a bit more than usual.

4. I phoned my friend to wish her happy birthday.

5. I checked Instagram.

6. I cleaned the kitchen.

7. I built a Lego house with the kids.

8. I tweeted some more.

9. I wrote this blog post.

Tweets about Facebook sky rocketed during this downtime.


I get that Facebook is entertaining. It keeps us up to date on what your family and friends are doing. It lets you message people and share pictures and more. But is it really a crisis when it’s down? Do most of us have nothing else to do with our time?

There really wasn’t a big change in my morning routine when Facebook was down this morning. I did find it amusing that everyone was talking about it. First world problems as they say.

What did you do when Facebook was down?

p.s – I’d love for you to follow me on Twitter: here



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